Tantric Remote Energy Healing Therapy
Energy is everywhere and all is connected: Heal wherever you are
What is Tantric Remote Energy Healing?
To answer this question we first need to know a little bit about energy in general. The whole universe is made up of energy and so are our bodies. Emotions are energy and blockages are too.
In a Tantra Massage session, we work on the physical body but more than that we work with your energy.
In Remote Energy Healing we only work with your energy but on a deeper level. The word Tantra means web, network, or matrix. It shows that all is energy and all energy is connected. This makes it possible to perform powerful and effective healing sessions even when the therapist and the receiver are hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart!
In this VIDEO our teacher Somananda, from Somananda Tantra School where we have done our courses, explains how and why Remote Energy Healing works, what it's good for, what you might experience, and more.
What is Remote Energy Healing like?
What happens in a Tantric Remote Session is that the Therapist alters the energy of the energetic body of the receiver through an astral connection the Therapist establishes. Therefore therapists must be pure themselves.
At ArcanA both therapists (Nanouk as a Tantra Massage Therapist and Tantric Remote Energy Healing Therapist, and Sabrina as a Tantra Massage Therapist) are maintaining a spiritual and pure Tantric lifestyle. This means we keep our diets, minds, surroundings, bodies, and energy as clean as we can by doing daily purification practices, Tantra yoga, meditation, maintaining a healthy diet, and being selective in our life choices. This way we strive to be clear channels for the energy we work with. A session takes about 75 minutes in total.
What is a Tantra Remote Energy Healing good for?
Remote Energy Healing Sessions are perfect for any kind of emotional blockages or imbalances, trauma, sexual blockages or dysfunctions, and physical pain or discomfort. In the West, quickly resolve to using pharmaceutical drugs when we experience some kind of problem or dis-ease. Tantrics know that dis-ease finds its origin in the energy first so we directly treat the cause instead of dealing with the symptoms.
How does it feel in the body?
Clearing of blockages and the movement of energy in the body can result in emotions coming up, physical movement and/or energetic sensations like tingles, warmth or cold, shivers, the feeling of being outside the body, visions, the feeling of 'floating', but also euphoria and orgasmic sensations throughout the entire body (also referred to as a full body energy orgasm). These orgasmic states are not the goal of the massage but rather a pleasant side effect. How people experience energetic healing depends on many factors such as your sensitivity to feeling energy, individual levels of purity and blockages as well as your physical and emotional state.
It doesn’t mean that if you don’t experience any of these effects nothing is happening. Everybody is in a different part of their journey and has different blockages. Healing always takes place and sometimes multiple sessions are needed to work through a certain blockage or trauma.
In this VIDEO you can see a Tantric Remote Energy Healing session done by our teacher Somananda.
Be aware that effects vary from person to person depending on many different factors (like lifestyle, blockages, astrological sign, etc.)
After a session
Be aware that (directly, a few hours, days, or even weeks) after a session it is possible that things start to come up, change, or shift. This is the purpose of the healing and are effects that are to be expected. This can range from sudden and unexpected emotions, thoughts, and dreams, but also physical sensations or effects (from lightheadedness or nausea to flu-like symptoms). This is purification and is normal after the energetic shifts that happen in the body. Very positive effects like euphoria, feelings of happiness, lightness, and joy, expansion of the heart and thoughts, and a profound feeling of connectedness or oneness are also reported frequently.
As a service, I offer an additional after-care call that can be scheduled in the two weeks after the session. In this 30-minute call, we can discuss what came up and how to deal with this most effectively.
The Process
If you are interested in booking a session please read the information on the website so you are informed about what a Remote Healing Therapy Session is.
We will book a 15-minute intake video call to get to know each other and discuss what it is you need and if a Tantric Remote Energy Healing Session is the right thing for you.
When we both feel good about doing the session we can plan the session.
After the session, we will also do a short check-in to see how you feel and what came up.
If you feel that you’d benefit from it we can plan to have an after-care call.
If a lot came up we can also plan a coaching session to deal with what came up.​
Price List
75-minute Tantric Remote Energy Healing Therapy Session
€95,- (60 minutes of healing and a check-in before and after)
Most people have blockages that need to be dissolved that take more than one session therefore we offer a package for the most effective healing possible.
3 x 75-minute Tantric Remote Energy Healing Therapy Session package
€250,- (three sessions of 60 minutes of healing and a check-in before and after)
€30,- for a 30-minute aftercare check-up call scheduled within 2 weeks after the session
€95,- for a coaching session (60 minutes online) to deal with things that came up during or after the healing session.
75-minute Tantric Remote Energy Healing Therapy Session from €95,- to €71,25
3 x 75-minute Tantric Remote Energy Healing Therapy Session package from €250,- to €187,50