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ArcanA Events

This is an overview of our upcoming events. If you want to know more about each event scroll on down with us!

The Tao Valley Sensory Massage Experience 

Combines a massage treatment with music, healing sounds, aroma therapy, reiki, relaxing pressure, and touch into an exceptionally relaxing sensory experience.


Every experience will be slightly different as we feel into what your body needs at that moment. Specific pains or aches can be kept into account and worked on.

 In this experience, we massage the following:

  • back

  • neck

  • head

  • calves

  • face

  • hands and feet


Embodying the Divine Feminine:

The Compassion of the Goddess Quan Yin
Sunday, February 9th 2025 from 14:00 - 18:00

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Quan Yin, often referred to as the “Goddess of Compassion,” embodies the qualities of unconditional love, forgiveness, and deep empathy for all living beings. In this workshop, you will be invited to connect with her divine feminine energy, learning how to embrace her teachings of love and mercy not only for others but also for yourself. Rooted in the wisdom of The Sophia Code, this workshop offers you the tools and practices to cultivate a life of resilience and harmony. 

Whether you are seeking to heal old wounds, release patterns of self-judgment, or learn to love yourself and others more deeply, this workshop is an invitation to explore the boundless well of compassion within. Through sacred rituals, meditative practices, chanting of the sacred mantra, and energy healing, you will be guided to embody Quan Yin’s nurturing presence in your own life, allowing her wisdom to bring greater alignment to your inner world.

This workshop isn’t just about learning—it’s about experiencing. As we gather together in a supportive, nurturing space you’ll also have the opportunity to share in a circle of like-minded women, building a community of support as we collectively explore our spiritual growth and healing.


What You Can Expect:

  • A Sacred Journey with Quan Yin: Dive deep into the myth, story, and energy of Quan Yin, learning about her path to enlightenment and how she continues to inspire compassion, mercy, and healing today.

  • Healing Mantras and Meditations: Experience the transformative power of the sacred mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” known to awaken deep compassion within the heart. Through group chanting and meditation, you will align yourself with the energy of divine love.

  • Heart-centered Sharing Circle: Join a sacred sharing circle where you can connect with like-minded women on their journeys of healing and self-discovery. In this supportive and safe space, you’ll have the opportunity to explore your experiences, share insights, and offer compassion to one another, creating a community rooted in empathy, trust, and encouragement.

  • A Water Blessing Ceremony: Water is one of the sacred symbols associated with Quan Yin. As part of our sacred ritual, we will engage in a blessing where each woman will bless another with water as a symbol of compassion, unity, and renewal. This ritual invites you to embrace both giving and receiving support within a sisterhood of kindred spirits. Together, as you anoint each other, you will honor each woman’s journey and set intentions for healing, love, and growth. This shared blessing ceremony deepens the bonds of sisterhood and reminds us of the powerful support we can offer one another in our paths to self-love and inner peace.

  • Energy Healing Session: A focused 30-minute energy healing session to clear any emotional blockages or energetic patterns that may be holding you back from fully embodying self-love and compassion. Guided by gentle energy work techniques, you’ll be supported in releasing what no longer serves you, creating space for a renewed sense of peace and openness.

  • Ceremonial Cacao for Heart-Opening: A sacred plant medicine known for its incredible heart-opening properties. Cacao has been used for centuries to enhance connection, compassion, and inner clarity. As we drink together, you’ll feel your heart expand, allowing you to fully embrace the loving, healing energy of Quan Yin.

  • Post-Workshop Practices for Ongoing Connection: To support your journey beyond the workshop, you will receive a set of practices for continued connection with Quan Yin’s energy. These include guided meditation and mantra practices, journal prompts for deeper self-reflection and ideas for creating a personal altar in your space. These practices will allow you to continue nurturing the love and compassion you’ve cultivated during the workshop, empowering you to bring this energy into your everyday life.

  • Optional 1-Week Accountability Group: You’ll have optional access to a private, 1-week Telegram group designed to support your journey of self-love and compassion. In this online space, you’ll be able to share your experiences, offer and receive support from both facilitators and fellow participants and deepen the bonds created during the workshop. At the beginning of the week, we’ll provide a guideline for self-love practices you can do at home to help you embody Quan Yin’s energy in daily life. For those who choose, there’s also an option to connect with an accountability buddy for extra encouragement along the way. This group is a beautiful way to stay connected, inspired, and supported as you integrate the teachings into your life!


Who Is This Workshop For?

This workshop is for any woman who:

  • Desires to heal emotional wounds and cultivate self-love.

  • Seeks to reconnect with her divine feminine essence.

  • Desires to live with greater compassion for herself and others.

  • Wants to explore spiritual practices in a supportive and nurturing environment.


This women-only workshop is a unique opportunity to step into a sacred space of ritual, healing, and heartfelt community. Through transformative ceremonies, energetic practices, and soul-nourishing sisterhood, you’ll connect with the beautiful, compassionate energy of Quan Yin and experience the profound healing that comes from a supportive, sacred community. 


Sabrina (and Dana)

Your Event Package:

Date and time:    9 February 2025 from 14:00 - 18:00

Location:             Bergselaan in Rotterdam

Investment:         Normal ticket: €98,- (New sisters)

                             Loyalty Tickey: €88,- (ArcanA tribe members)
Language:           English

Tantra and Tantra Sexuality
3-Day Course
14/15/16 February 2024 in Rotterdam

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Sex as a Spiritual Practice


Think about it…Sexual energy creates new life, it has the power to put completely new conscious beings on this planet… What if instead of creating a new human being we used this creative spark of consciousness to raise the level of consciousness inside of ourselves?


Years of serious intense meditation practice will surely bring results in spiritual awareness but only very few modern people would choose that austere path for spiritual growth. Imagine using sexual energy to speed up this process considerably in a manner that isn’t only pleasurable but also creates a deeply loving connection and incredible bond with your partner. 


Authentic White Tantra deals with the evolution of our Soul. It is the original form of Tantra that is thousands of years old and studies energy to raise our consciousness for evolution and enlightenment. 


Through Tantra, you can work on spiritual growth as a couple. By understanding that the Divine Union between two partners opens an orgasmic portal to the Divine you unlock a spiritual path that can potentially bring you closer to enlightenment than many other spiritual practices can in much less time. 


In this workshop, where I will pass on the authentic knowledge of the Kashmiri Shaivism Lineage,

  • I will explain why and how sex can be a valid, and even extremely potent, spiritual practice.

  • How sexual energy can be used for the evolution of the human soul.

  • How to use the orgasmic potential to create a portal into higher levels of consciousness.

  • How to preserve sexual energy to create the ‘fuel’ to propel a couple into a better and more satisfying love life that has the potential for spiritual growth. 

  • About the 7 different orgasms for women and how men can experience these too. 

And much much more. 


There will be lectures, practices you do in couples, meditations you do on your own, and two amazing Tantric rituals that might change the way you look at life and love. This course will take place in a cosy and high vibrational space in Rotterdam.


In this 3-day course, you will be immersed in authentic Tantric teachings, rituals, and exercises. Tantra is not just something that you understand with your mind but something you can actually experience in your body and energy. 

In the three days of this course, we will take a deep dive into Tantra and Tantra Sexuality. You will learn how you can use your sexual energy for personal and spiritual growth and how it can immensely enhance your relationship and sexual pleasure as a Tantric man or woman.

  • Study authentic ancient Tantra philosophy to learn about energy and how to control it.

  • Study Tantra sexuality as a tool for your personal and spiritual evolution.

  • Improve your relationship(s), sex life, and orgasmic potential to heights you’ve only dreamed of.

  • Learn how to extend and enhance your lovemaking and with it the connection to yourself and your partner.

  • Take part in Tantric rituals. 

  • Learn about the feminine and masculine principles and use it to your advantage.

  • Change the way you look at love, sex, and the way you connect with others.

  • Connect with like-minded people on the authentic Tantric path.

In this course, you will learn:

  • what authentic Tantra is

  • how Tantra can change the way you view sexuality and how it can improve your sex life and your relationship (with yourself and your partner)

  • about the power of controlling your mind and energy

  • about the 7 different female orgasms

  • the difference between an orgasm and ejaculation and how to separate them

  • how multiple orgasms can be achieved in men and women

  • foundational concepts of Tantra and a Tantric relationship

  • how sexual energy can be used for your personal and spiritual evolution

  • And much more…


Not only will you be attending lectures that give you the knowledge that will make you understand how energy and the Universe work, but we will also put that knowledge into practice with exercises done in couples and individually. Two amazing rituals are also included in this course on days one and three. 

Your Event Package:

Duration: 3 full days Friday - Sunday

Suitability: For couples and singles

Dates and times:

Friday 14-2             Saturday 15-2          Sunday 16-2

09:30 - 18:00          09:30 - 18:00           09:30 - 18:00


Early bird €397,- per person ex vat (available until January 31st)

Regular €447,- per person ex vat (available from February 1st until February 12th)

The course includes drinks and snacks on the breaks. Course materials and the materials for the rituals will also be provided.

Check tabs for more information.

Location: Schieweg 34c Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Cacao Cer
emony & Healing

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Cacao Ceremony and Healing

now also for private people and groups!

For quite a while now Arcana has hosted Cacao and healing ceremonies for small groups of max. 10 people. These group ceremonies are an amazing way to meet and spend time with other spiritual people. The group energy also raises the overall energy in the space.

However, for some people, it's more effective and relaxed to have their own private experience. Either alone, with a loved one, or with a smaller group of friends. 


There are several options here to suit your personal needs and preferences.

Cacao & Healing Ceremony

We will will use energy to take you on a journey to reconnect to your higher self to heal subconscious blockages, emotional blockages, trauma, physical pain, or other discomfort. The heart-opening properties of the medicine of natural raw Cacao will make you even more receptive to the beautiful energy of this healing. Since the treatment is adjusted to your personal needs we have more time to go into the deeper layers of the problem. 

You will be immersed in sounds, smells, and healing energy that will raise your vibration in order for you to come into contact with your own higher power and vital life force energy, that knows exactly what is needed and best for you. All you have to do is relax.

Sessions are 1,5 hours. The first half hour is for drinking the cacao and getting into a relaxed state. We will talk through your needs and specific intentions and do some breathing exercises. The healing itself will take 1 hour. 

Here are the different options you can choose from: 

  1. Private 1-on-1 Cacao & Healing Ceremony Session (by Dana or Sabrina) € 150,-

  2. Private 2-on-1 Cacao & Healing Ceremony Session (by both Dana and Sabrina) € 225,-

  3. Couple Session Cacao & Healing Ceremony (by Dana or Sabrina) € 225,-

  4. Couple Session Cacao & Healing Ceremony (by both Dana and Sabrina) € 275,-

  5. Private Group of 3 - 5 people Cacao & Healing Ceremony (can be done with 1 therapist) € 350,- for 3 people, every extra person €95,- 

  6. Private Groups of 5 - 10 people (will be done by both Dana and Sabrina) € 500,- for 5 people, every extra person €95,- 

Your Event Package:

Date and time: negotiable, contact us for availability 

Location: Gaiacenter: Bergwegplantsoen 10z, Rotterdam

Investment: See options above, prices include cacao, tea, and a snack

Het volgen van de Tantra & Tantra Sexuality Course gegeven door Nanouk was een beleving.

Voor mij had de kennismaking met Tantra niet mooier kunnen zijn.

De oefeningen en rituelen hebben een diepe indruk op mij achtergelaten en mij een permanent andere visie gegeven op relaties. Ik zou willen dat ik deze cursus vele decennia eerder had gevolgd. 

Dat zou zeker een verschil gemaakt hebben in de manier waarop ik nu in het leven sta.

Prachtig vond ik vooral dat besef van het Tantrische een andere ’taal’ toevoegt, naast het cognitieve en ‘gewone’ emotionele en mijn bewustzijn definitief dieper en rijker heeft gemaakt. 

Dat had ik op die manier totaal niet verwacht en maakte het extra mooi. Nanouks begeleiding was fantastisch: intensief en ontspannen, helder en inspirerend. 


Kortom, 5 zeer waardevolle dagen die ik iedereen die zichzelf (of een ander) een groot cadeau wil geven, van harte aanbeveel. 


Titus Bovenberg

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