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ArcanA Events

This is an overview of our upcoming events. If you want to know more about each event scroll on down with us!

Tantra and Tantra Sexuality
5-Day Course in Dutch 🇳🇱
19/20/21 April and 4/5 May 2024

In this 5-day course, you will be immersed in authentic Tantric teachings, rituals, and exercises. Tantra is not just something that you understand with your mind but something you can actually experience in your body and energy. 

In the three weekends of this course, we will take a deep dive into Tantra and Tantra Sexuality. You will learn how you can use your sexual energy for personal and spiritual growth and how it can immensely enhance your relationship and sexual pleasure as a Tantric man or woman.

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  • Study authentic ancient Tantra philosophy to learn about energy and how to control it.

  • Study Tantra sexuality as a tool for your personal and spiritual evolution.

  • Improve your relationship(s), sex life, and orgasmic potential to heights you’ve only dreamed of.

  • Learn how to extend and enhance your lovemaking and with it the connection to yourself and your partner.

  • Take part in Tantric rituals. 

  • Learn about the feminine and masculine principles and use it to your advantage.

  • Change the way you look at love, sex, and the way you connect with others.

  • Connect with like-minded people on the authentic Tantric path.

In this course, you will learn:

  • what authentic Tantra is

  • how Tantra can change the way you view sexuality and how it can improve your sex life and your relationship (with yourself and your partner)

  • About the power of controlling your mind and energy

  • about the 7 different female orgasms

  • the difference between an orgasm and ejaculation and how to separate them

  • how multiple orgasms can be achieved in men and women

  • foundational concepts of Tantra and a Tantric relationship

  • how sexual energy can be used for your personal and spiritual evolution

  • And much more…


Not only will you be attending lectures that give you the knowledge that will make you understand the way energy and the Universe work, but we will also put that knowledge into practice with exercises done in couples and individually.

Your Event Package:

Duration: 4,5 days on the weekend

Suitability: For couples and singles

Dates and times:

Friday 19-4           Saturday 20-4         Sunday 21-4        Saturday 4-5          Sunday 5-5

18:00 - 22:00         10:00 - 18:00         10:00 - 18:00       10:00 - 18:00         10:00 - 18:00


Early bird €475,- per person (available until April 7th)

Regular €499,- per person (available from April 8th until April 18th)

The course includes drinks and snacks on the breaks. Course materials and the materials for the rituals will also be provided.

Check tabs for more information.

Location: Gaia Center, Bergwegplantsoen 10z Rotterdam

WORKSHOP: Chakras and Sound
Ceremony & Healing & Live Handpan

April 27th, 2024 13:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam

Dynamic workshop on Chakras including yoga poses and meditation,

energy healing, and live handpan sound bath! 

What are chakras and why do they matter?

What is their function and how does knowing this and working with them help you spiritually evolve?

Workshop and yoga part
In this dynamic lecture, we will answer the questions above per chakra one by one and do one or two asanas (yoga poses) to make you aware of this energetic center in the body and the feeling of its activation on each chakra. This way you will get a chance to learn and directly experience the location and energy flow in the corresponding chakra. Like this, we will go through all 7 chakras from the bottom to the top.

Meditation, cacao ceremony & Healing part with live Handpan sound bath
Then we will drink the cacao to open the heart so that when we go into the healing portion of this amazing event, you can receive the channeled healing energy on an even deeper level.
Before we lay down we will do one last short yoga flow to smoothly flow through all the chakras and transition into a meditation chanting the bija mantras (seed sounds that correspond with each chakra) one by one and then it’s time to lay down and let yourself be transported through time and space during the healing. Emre Vechi will assist this energy healing with the magical sounds and healing vibrations of one of the most spiritual instruments: the Handpan. You will be immersed in sounds, smells, touch and channeled high-frequency energies to remove blockages and create flow in your system.

All you have to do is relax and receive.


Your Event Package:

Date and time: Saturday, April 27th, 2024 from 13:00 to 17:00

Location: Gaia Center, Bergwegplantsoen 10z Rotterdam

Investment: €88,- Workshop, cacao, healing, sound bath, tea and snacks are included
Language: English

WORKSHOP (voor vrouwen)
Zelf-Beeld, Zelf-Liefde, Zelf-Beminning 

11 mei 2024 14:00 - 18:30 Amsterdam

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ZELF- Beeld, Liefde, Beminning

Hoe kijk jij naar jezelf?
Hoe lief ben jij voor jezelf?
Bemin jij jezelf?

- Wil jij de wijsheid van jouw prachtige lichaam leren voelen?
- De seksuele energie leren op wekken en sturen?
- Vrij en met plezier genieten van jouw seksualiteit?

Kom dan op 11 mei naar ons event in Amsterdam. Sexual Healing Coach Sanne Kielman en Nanouk van ArcanA helpen jou om (weer) in contact te komen met jezelf.

Deze workshop bestaat uit 4 verschillende onderdelen:

  1. Bij de eerste oefening kijken we naar het beeld dat je van jezelf hebt. Als je bewust wordt van hoe je naar jezelf kijkt kunnen we je tools geven om jezelf te gaan zien voor wie je echt bent. Als je zacht kunt kijken naar jezelf dan kun je ook met zachte ogen naar de buitenwereld kijken

  2. In het tweede deel ga je verbinden met jezelf en je eigen (seksuele/levens) energie. Voel de energie weer stromen en leer het te sturen in je lichaam. Heb je dit onder de knie dan geniet jij vrij van jouw (seksueel) leven.

  3. In deel drie gaan we langzaam wennen aan de energie van een ander en voelen wat onze eigen energie is en die van een ander. Hierbij leer je ook je eigen grenzen voelen.

  4. In het laatste deel gaan we samenwerken met anderen in oefeningen om met deze energie te gaan werken.

Vooraf leren we elkaar kennen en achteraf doen we een sharing circle.

In een veilige omgeving voor en door vrouwen word je begeleid door twee ervaren coaches.
Je doet het zelf maar niet alleen!

Wil je weten of deze workshop voor jou is? Stuur ons gerust een berichtje!

Nanouk en Sanne

Your Event Package:

Datum en tijd: zaterdag 11 mei 2024 van 14:00 - 18:30

Locatie: Zensaties, Eerste Laurierdwarsstraat 2, Amsterdam

Voor wie: Vrouwen, non-binair en post-op transvrouwen

Normale prijs:   €111,- voor nieuwe mensen

Loyalty prijs:      €88,- voor coachees van Nanouk of Sanne

WORKSHOP: Emotional Alchemy & Communication (with Cacao)
May 18th, 2024 17:00 - 21:00 Amsterdam

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Emotional Alchemy & Communication Workshop (with Cacao)

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were unable to speak up during a difficult conversation? 


Had moments where you were not able to embrace your true desires or even have the awareness to understand what they really are? 


Do you sometimes feel like you are too much and at the same time not quite enough? 


In this workshop, we will explore the conditioning that leads us to suppress our own power as well as how to recognize and dismantle these internalized barriers. Through a combination of theory and practical exercises which we will do together in a small group setting, you will be provided with some practical tools to help reclaim your personal power.


We will touch upon the themes of:


  • Self-awareness - Knowing your true desires and embracing them so that your energy is going only to that which you want to create. 

  • Asserting boundaries - Knowing your desires enables you to set clear boundaries and communicate them effectively.

  • The ‘Ask’ - Learning how to ask for what you want assertively and effectively.

  • Emotional Alchemy - How to transform your emotions into the energy you need to fuel your desires. What are you fighting for instead of what are you fighting against?

  • Understanding power dynamics - How to consciously be in a Dominant or Submissive state of attention (Yin/Yang, Inwardly or outwardly focused) so you can confidently implement this in your everyday interactions and not feel stuck in “freeze” when you come across challenging situations.


At the end of this workshop, you will be armed with some practical tools that can be easily practiced and applied in your everyday life and will allow you to pursue your own path of personal fulfillment with renewed confidence. 


During the workshop, we will enjoy some natural, pure Cacao together (this is optional). The qualities of the cacao will help us to increase alertness, and focus, enhance feelings of well-being, and create a relaxed and cosy space for us to work in. 


This workshop will be conducted in English. 

If you are not sure if this workshop is for you or if you have questions, please send me a message:



Your Event Package:

Date and time: Saturday, May 18th, 2024 from 17:00 - 21:00

Location: Zensaties, Eerste Laurierdwarsstraat 2, Amsterdam

Investment: €88,- Cacao is included but optional and there will be tea and snacks

Cacao Cer
emony & Healing

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Cacao Ceremony and Healing

now also for private people and groups!

For quite a while now Arcana has hosted Cacao and healing ceremonies for small groups of max. 10 people. These group ceremonies are an amazing way to meet and spend time with other spiritual people. The group energy also raises the overall energy in the space.

However, for some people, it's more effective and relaxed to have their own private experience. Either alone, with a loved one, or with a smaller group of friends. 


There are several options here to suit your personal needs and preferences.

Cacao & Healing Ceremony

We will will use energy to take you on a journey to reconnect to your higher self to heal subconscious blockages, emotional blockages, trauma, physical pain, or other discomfort. The heart-opening properties of the medicine of natural raw Cacao will make you even more receptive to the beautiful energy of this healing. Since the treatment is adjusted to your personal needs we have more time to go into the deeper layers of the problem. 

You will be immersed in sounds, smells, and healing energy that will raise your vibration in order for you to come into contact with your own higher power and vital life force energy, that knows exactly what is needed and best for you. All you have to do is relax.

Sessions are 1,5 hours. The first half hour is for drinking the cacao and getting into a relaxed state. We will talk through your needs and specific intentions and do some breathing exercises. The healing itself will take 1 hour. 

Here are the different options you can choose from: 

  1. Private 1-on-1 Cacao & Healing Ceremony Session (by Nanouk or Sabrina) € 150,-

  2. Private 2-on-1 Cacao & Healing Ceremony Session (by both Nanouk and Sabrina) € 225,-

  3. Couple Session Cacao & Healing Ceremony (by Nanouk or Sabrina) € 225,-

  4. Couple Session Cacao & Healing Ceremony (by both Nanouk and Sabrina) € 275,-

  5. Private Group of 3 - 5 people Cacao & Healing Ceremony (can be done with 1 therapist) € 350,- for 3 people, every extra person €95,- 

  6. Private Groups of 5 - 10 people (will be done by both Nanouk and Sabrina) € 500,- for 5 people, every extra person €95,- 

Your Event Package:

Date and time: negotiable, contact us for availability 

Location: Gaiacenter: Bergwegplantsoen 10z, Rotterdam

Investment: See options above, prices include cacao, tea, and a snack

Het volgen van de Tantra & Tantra Sexuality Course gegeven door Nanouk was een beleving.

Voor mij had de kennismaking met Tantra niet mooier kunnen zijn.

De oefeningen en rituelen hebben een diepe indruk op mij achtergelaten en mij een permanent andere visie gegeven op relaties. Ik zou willen dat ik deze cursus vele decennia eerder had gevolgd. 

Dat zou zeker een verschil gemaakt hebben in de manier waarop ik nu in het leven sta.

Prachtig vond ik vooral dat besef van het Tantrische een andere ’taal’ toevoegt, naast het cognitieve en ‘gewone’ emotionele en mijn bewustzijn definitief dieper en rijker heeft gemaakt. 

Dat had ik op die manier totaal niet verwacht en maakte het extra mooi. Nanouks begeleiding was fantastisch: intensief en ontspannen, helder en inspirerend. 


Kortom, 5 zeer waardevolle dagen die ik iedereen die zichzelf (of een ander) een groot cadeau wil geven, van harte aanbeveel. 


Titus Bovenberg

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